Following the steps of Leonardo da Vinci: webisode series

[teaser] Sur les pas de Léonard

[teaser] Sur les pas de Léonard

In 2016, my friend prof. Pascal Brioist (University of Tours, Centre for Renaissance Studies) called me and talked me into his project. He got a grant to produce a webisode series about the life of Leonardo da Vinci, in the frame of a large nexus of scientific mediation projects, under the banner of "Intelligence des Patrimoines (CNRS)".

Entitled "Sur les pas de Léonard" (following the footsteps of Leonardo), this project includes interviews with international experts of Leonardo da Vinci, filmed by a young and innovative team. A nice narrative wraps the whole series and includes 3D sequences, drone filming, reenactors, and more.

Released earlier this year, the project is published on this website, and the 13 episodes are distilled throughout the year. A few days ago, the 3rd webisode has been released, the one I feature in. It deals with the connections of Leonardo to warfare, and his stay in Milano. The first part mentions the well-known letter to the Duke, where Leonardo sells himself as a engineer specialised in warfare techniques. It is then dedicated to the project of the giant horse statue (interview of Leonardo Bernardoni, Museo Galileo, Firenze). The second part is about the Milanese armourers and Pietro del Monte. I got to talk about fight books, armour and Pietro del Monte.

Pascal's monograph (2013)

Pascal's monograph (2013)

The whole topic has been addressed in the 2013 monograph of Pascal, where he looked at Leonardo as a man of war. Still, I could sneak in a few additions, and it was really interesting to discuss this with Pascal and see where my field (HEMA studies) intersects with his studies. See a recension of his book here, and if you read French, I encourage you to throw an eye into it.

Watch the episode! My part is at 08:00 of the video:

Webisode #3: L'homme de guerre (2018)

Webisode #3: L'homme de guerre (2018)

I have very fond memories of this afternoon spent in Milano, in front of the Duomo. We got to talk about what we liked the most, drink proper coffee and walk in the streets of Milano in engaging conversations. I was really happy to be given the opportunity of playing a role in this very nice project. Even more now when I see the result! Stay tuned for the following webisodes! Hats down to Pascal!